Foodstuffs on display
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| credits: File copy
in Nigeria plays a big role in the livelihood of farmers and
nutritional needs of the country. Livestock also contributes to
farming in many other ways. Animals are used as draught power to pull
plows or help weed farmland, and cow dung is an excellent fertilizer.
With so much at stake, farmers could
benefit from simple, yet highly efficient ways to increase the health
and productivity of their livestock. These factors are often
compromised when animals roam free in open pasture, exposed to disease
vectors and left to feed on unwholesome grasses and plants.
One technique that can be very effective in maintaining healthy productive animals is a zero-grazing system.
In zero-grazing, livestock is kept in
stalls all the time, and feed and water are brought to the animals.
Zero-grazing keeps animals healthier. It can ward off diseases such as
sleeping sickness caused by tsetse flies and tick bone diseases, which
are so prevalent throughout Nigeria. Zero-grazing also helps farmers
increase productivity either from their current livestock or from the
purchase of higher-yielding breeds of livestock which would not be able
to thrive in an open pasture.
Zero-grazing has side benefits as well.
The increased efficiency of this management practice means more weight
or milk can be produced per unit of feed eaten. Zero-grazing uses less
land to produce more nutritious fodder plants, which allows the farmer
to maximise the use of available land. Processes such as milking are
easier to perform when the animals are kept corralled and calm. Manure
can be collected from the enclosure and used as fertiliser for growing
crops. Diseases are minimised because troublesome insects, such as
biting and nuisance flies, are easier to control.
Zero-grazing is capital intensive but
the benefits are enormous, and can far outweigh the cost of implementing
the system. A study by the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute showed
that the rate of return on a dollar invested ranged from $2.60 to
$3.00. Farmers achieved an average gross margin of $248 and a net profit
of $125 per cow per year. At this rate of return, capital investment
was recouped within two years.
In another study of smallholder dairy
farming in Uganda by the International Livestock Research Institute,
five dairy production systems were compared, from most intensive
(zero-grazing) to least intensive (herding). The study found that
increasing the level of intensification resulted in a significant
increase in milk productivity and percentage of milk sold.
A successful zero-grazing system involves four major components:
Housing (the zero-grazing unit):
Building materials for the shed include wood, cement, sand, gravel,
posts, and roofing material. Individual pens should be large enough to
allow for adequate free movement and the opportunity for animals to
exhibit normal behaviour patterns. (A recommended pen size for a cow is
120 cm wide x 210 cm long or 4 feet x 7 feet.)
Maintenance: Animals in
sheds must be kept clean (which is greatly assisted by placing them on
slatted floors), fed, and watered. Livestock should have access to fresh
air and natural daylight and the shed should be located near a clean
water source.
Feed: A choice needs to
be made between the production of fodder or the use of commercial
feeds. Using preserved fodder and hay to feed herds reduces the
variability in the supply of pasture and fresh feed in dry periods. If
the farmer wants to grow his own fodder, he must have ample field to do
Breeding: A livestock
breeding expert should be consulted when cross-breeding local stock with
imported breeds, to obtain cattle that produce more milk or meat and
are resistant to local disease such as sleeping sickness.
•Dr. Nelson Mango is a Rural Development Sociologist with the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
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